1st - 10th august, INEX Slovakia
We decided to make a full programme for the flag, once it arrives to our country.
During the visit, the flag made a real journey and had opportunity to get to know the majority of our country. Our driving team took the flag around 4 workcamps that took place during hosting the flag. We also organized a working event in Bratislava were many of our volunteers and supporters paricipated as well as lots of press.
1st stop - Hanigovce castle workcamp

2nd stop - Brekov castle workcamp

3rd stop - Senne workcamp

4th stop - Sklabina workcamp
Overall - 5 days on the road, more than 1550 km, more than 80 people involved and maaany nice ideas from volunteers on volunteering and its meaning.
We also organized a nice big event in Bratislava for wide public and we were cleaning a garden of a centre for socially disadvantaged people. Very nice day, lots of work was done and the flag also seemed to be satisfied :)
5th august - OZ Brana do zivota

We spent wonderful time with the flag and we are glad we could organize several great events and promote the ideas of volunteering among many people.
Here are some selected quotes...
Volunteering means to me…
"Having fun while helping to improve the world." Pepe (Spain)
“It's a kind of sharing behavior. Even if I don't have enough money or other things, I can share my things to other people who need it." Jeong Ho (South Korea)
"For me volunteering means sharing experiences. It is a way to know yourself better, in relation with other people you didn't know before. Volunteering is working for a goal." Silvia (Italy)
"When people want to help because you are interested in it. They don't do it because they must, but they want." Mirka (Slovakia)
“Volunteering takes a special place in my life. First of all it’s a wonderful opportunity to act in accordance with a phrase “Think globally, act locally”. So being a volunteer means to bring something good and useful in this world. What is more it’s a great chance to meet interesting people from different parts of the world. So I can feel united.” Nataliya (Belarus)
“Volunteering open the mind and permits to create a global way to work without to look after money change everything, the ‘’taste” of the work is different. It permits to meet people from everywhere, to learn about local country. Volunteering is like to put my stone to a global construction.” Jeremie (France)
Try volunteering because it is...
"…going to change your way of seeing the world." Malin (Switzerland)
"…the best thing I have ever tried." Dominika (Slovakia)
"…an experience in your life that is unique for each person but with good moments for all." Arancha (Spain)
"…you learn more about yourself and more about the world around you and it make yourself a better person." Elaine (Taiwan)
“Volunteering is the occasion to invent your own life!” Clemena (France)
“…amazing to see when people are really thankful to you.” Petra (Slovakia)
People can gain from volunteering…
"Tolerance, creativity, patience, understanding that there a lot of people which need your help." Katerina (Belarus)
“You gain a good feeling that you did something good for someone else. You can learn how to do things you normally don’t have a chance to try. You can meet a lot of new people, learn about their culture, travel around the world, and improve your language skills.” Petra (Slovakia)
“You can do in too short time something useful. After two or three weeks seeing a good result makes you happy. For children, for historical places, for handicapped people doing something is great experience. Far away from your country you do a favor for somebody who you don’t know! It is a big honor.” Ferhat (Turkey)
Thaaaaanks to everyone who contributed!
INEX Slovakia